We all have our own fantasies of a closet full of Chanel or Louis Vuitton, but lets be honest, most of our wallets cant afford that big of a loss. A way some shoppers go around this financial burden is to purchase fakes. Fingers crossed I can help convince everyone to stop supporting this poser of an industry. Counterfeit bags are something I never really gave much attention too until I learned more about it in one of my fashion classes. Counterfeits are becoming more and more prominent, I actually spotted one in West Acres today. The bag was made to look like a Michael Kors but instead of the famous MK logo they used NX, which from a distance could fool you. What are you gonna say when someone asks you what NX stands for "ahhhh new xylophone," yeah not cool. There are several reasons to ditch the counterfeits 1. It's illegal to sell counterfeits. 2. Majority of the time child labor is used to produce these fakes. And 3. They're ugly. Sorry but it's true. If you want to avoid accidentally buying a fake here are some tips. Know your logos, the smallest thing can be changed to make it a fake. If the price is too good to be true, it probably is. Shop at well know stores like Macy's, Herberger's, our the designers store itself. Lastly look at the quality of the bag. When something is worth so much, they wont skim out on production costs. You don't need to carry a $300 bag to be fashion forward, two of my favorite purses actually came from DSW, and cost less then $50. If you're wanting the designer look, save up and buy the real thing, it's so much more rewarding! Keep your eye out at T.J. Maxx and outlet malls, they're truly a magical place!
Enjoy this rare heat wave in Fargo!
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